Little Learner Programs
1 PLAYschool playgroups: Parent & me Preschool class designed to teach basic skills through theme related stories, songs, and sensory based activities.
2 Imagination, Creation, & Motor-vation STATIONs: Preschool stations are designed to encourage preschoolers to make believe, make a mess, and make new friends – while exploring the “Arts-in-Motion” curriculum.
3 Music and Movement, art smART, Park PK + Plus …
indoor and outdoor EDucation enrichment
4 Developmental assessments & referrals:
*Social & Emotional Development (resiliency, respect & responsibility)
*Physical Development (fine & gross motor, health & safety)
*Creative Interpretation & Expression (music, drama & art)
*Language & Literacy (communication & comprehension)
*Early learning experiences (social studies, science & mathematics)
5 Parent and Provider Workshops on various topics
We also offer Mommy and Me groups, as well as open gym / art (Fit&Fun) classes for tots to tweens.
Email for more info about any of these classes/programs –
or to individualize a program to meet your little learners interests / needs.
Example Preschool Program: