

“Mi Families has awesome events for my kids & groups that aren’t justa mom’s club for me.”                  (T.C single dad)

Parent Partnerships are designed to meet the needs of nuclear families, non-traditional families, blended families, teen parents, single parents, grandparent led homes, adoptive homes, foster homes… Programs other parents recommend include:


Bonding with Babies & Tumbling Tots: Our “first friends” developmental playgroup and parenting workshop is available for your church or organizationProgram includes networking and resource opportunities for parents. This program can be one – 2hr event or a weekly gathering.  Price depends on number of gatherings, numbers participating and location of service. Contact our director for more information.

Hero Camp: Discover how to be a hero for your kids by use of your super-powers and side-kick resources: resources for every day family needs, as well as crisis connections; options for counseling, child care and schools, IEP advocacy, tutoring (&or and home schooling assistance)… create a “chaos to calm” / safe environment without use of “bubble wrap.” Contact our director to schedule and customize this half-day event! Price depends on number of participants and location of services.

FUN Fam: Put the fun in functional through dynamic family activities, such as building a family tree and suffering through boot-camp-team-builders together.  Develop job descriptions, goals, and routines…  Contact our director on this uniquely individualized family program! Price depends on number of sessions, number of families, and location of services.

Nanny 101” is designed for the family and their part-time, full-time, or live-in caregiver. This unique program works with the nanny and “their family” to develop a care program and encourage communication. Nanny 101 can assist with hiring, training and review processes. Contact our director to schedule a free consultation at the Mi Families home office or at your family’s home.

Rock and Roll Teen parenting workshop designed to assist teen parents through the transition and build a connection for networking and resources through their journey. Program is available for teen groups in churches and other organizations, as well as family groups in said settings and in home environments.  Family groups help siblings and young grandparents adjust to the changing family dynamics and extend parent-partnerships.

Contact for more information about workshops, parent partnerships or family playgroups!

Click PARENT-LINKS for some additional online resources

Example FUN – FAM program during summer vacation!