Monthly Archives: October 2018

Autumn Assessment

I had to laugh when everyone was crying about snow last week. I think many forget that northern Michigan often has snow in October.  Seasons are simply dates on a calendar here.  But, seasons help us with festive lesson planning.

Posted in All About Reading


Mi Families (“my families”) LLC facilitates programs for children, their parents, and their providers (such as teachers). All programs have an “education through recreation” focus – meaning participants learn through fun activities. Activities are offered for multi age classes through community groups

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My World

This fall started off with learning about ourselves and our families. We learned about how special and unique ourselves and our families are. We learned about using our strengths to help others who are struggling. All of our programs talked

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Transition Time

Exactly 1 month ago we started our fall schedule.  It still felt like summer then, but it feels like fall now – actually it feels like winter! Snow was reported in spots of Northern Michigan where some trees are still green, but leaves are changing and

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