This month we have been focusing on Language development. From speech to reading to writing we’ve focused on building a love for literature. Literature is beyond a school readiness skill. Reading and writing are skills that will not only help…
This month we have been focusing on Language development. From speech to reading to writing we’ve focused on building a love for literature. Literature is beyond a school readiness skill. Reading and writing are skills that will not only help…
Septembers focus was “me, my family and friends” at Adventure Academy. We talked about ourselves, those closest to us, discussed extended family members, learned about stranger danger, talked about bullies … We learned how behaviors affect relationships and how emotions influence…
And just like that, the next school season has started. Every fall I find myself asking how summer flew by so quickly – but as we head into this next fall season I feel as if I completely skipped summer…
As Memorial weekend approaches the students and weather remind me that summer is near. Students need more fun in the sun and less time sitting for subjects. This doesn’t mean we stop learning and skip the subjects – many subjects…
This spring Mi Families has focused on a theme all about growing. From growing our team and programs, to pointing out the positive growth in each family and child we work with. One of Mi Families (“my families”) child-focused programs is Adventure Academy…
The sunshine has finally woken up our part of the globe! The earth around us is in BLOOM as flowers grow and we count the BUDS growing on our tree BRANCHES. We’ve been observing spring growth and spring life by following…
A beautiful picture is growing in front of us as we look out the windows at Adventure Academy. Spring has finally found Northern Michigan! As the last of our snow piles melt green grass grows in it’s place. Anticipating trees…
Each and every child at Adventure Academy is an important piece to our puzzle. A puzzle is something that “tests ingenuity or knowledge” and we gain more knowledge – together! When a child misses a session we miss them! We still have…
While facilitating provider trainings at centers and schools I’m often told how “individualized” their program is. Yet during observations I feel that many teachers and caregivers are individualizing their classrooms for their own needs and goals. Often their own instruction…
“I’m getting so big” was the response almost every child had after checking their height and weight this week during our Going = Growing HEALTH WEEK. Using the Mother Goose Time curriculum for “Food and Fitness” we explored topics like…