Classrooms are a place intended to make students smart. Yet they have proven that the typical classroom, where students sit at desks in rows listening to lectures, is not the smartest environment to learn in. Only 1/4 of our students are auditory learners, yet most teaching is still explanation based – meaning teachers are explaining information – they are talking more then showing or allowing students to learn through doing.
“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn” is an ancient Chinese proverb … Somehow Benjamin Franklin got credit for such words, but whoever spoke them first was wise. Students of all ages need to be involved in learning. Mi Families (“my families”) LLC continually updates our programs to be “education through recreation” experiences. This means our programs are full of fun ways to learn!
Mi Families facilitates provider trainings, parent workshops, family events and youth services … This winter session I have been busy teaching Art Smart classes through theme based adventures. Tots to preteens have been learning about the world around them (and before them) ,while exploring different art mediums to create projects helping them remember the unit studies.
From Arctic Adventures to Dino Days, World Wonders to Out of this World activities students have been able to learn all subject matters through themed art projects. Themes were provided from Mother Goose Time for early learners and expanded on for older students. While younger friends learned new concepts – elementary kiddos dove deeper into each subject matter.
We blasted off into space and have been learning about our solar system. After researching space and creating planet projects through lessons of color and shape we’ll transition to Easter fun. Easter is an EGGcelent time to change circles into oval shapes and mix primary into secondary colors. Shapes and colors experiments reinforce geometry and science lessons. All subjects can be taught through hands on learning.
STREAMS = Science, Technology, Reading (&wRiting), Engineering, Arts, Mathematics (&Music), Social Studies (&his-Story)… All subjects can be exciting to learn about when you create a classroom atmosphere that encourages creative thinking and problem solving. All subjects are taught through our preschool, tutor time and homeschool courses. Email to enroll for spring and summer programs!
Visit to learn more about our programs. Network with us on LinkedIN, Facebook, YouTube, Pinteres … Network with our friends at to learn more about products pictured in this article
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