Mi Families (“my families”) LLC facilitates programs for families and those who work with families across Michigan. From Provider trainings to parent workshops, parent and me programs and events, family home child care and homeschool tutoring services … Our programs are growing and so is our Mi Family tree and our team of friends who help provide resources (online and in-person).
A famous Michigan man, Henry Ford, once said that “coming together is the beginning. Keeping together is a process. Working together is success.” Mi Families works together with our parent and provider partners to build bridges and connect others with resources through our programs. Our programs offer a unique education through recreation approach – meaning we provide fun, hands on learning experiences.
Hands on learning is provide through theme based activities. Themes connect lessons to real life and make teachings more relatable and “rememberable” for students. Depending upon the student ages/stages we use various top-rated curriculums. For our youngest students we have many curriculums to utilize, such as Mother Goose Times monthly package.
This month Mother Goose Time has boxed up a fun Rainforest Theme. We have incorporated their Rainforest fun into our “all around the world” lessons. This week we compared the rainforest foliage, fauna and food to local wildlife and wildeats. We talked about preparing for celebrations in other cultures and celebrating Thanksgiving, by filling tables and cornucopias with items provided from the wild.
We compared the first Thanksgiving with current traditions. Mi Families uses celebrations of all sorts for teachable themes. In my-family we use Thanksgiving to teach thankful hearts and prepare for upcoming gift giving with perspective on what we can give, instead of what we want to get. As my children think of what they hope to get they are reminded of what they have that they can first share with others…
Living in a daycare and tutoring center my children have ample items to play with so we encourage them to consider what items aren’t being used which we can donate. We also encourage friends and family who want to give gifts to give experiences like restaurant, movie, bowling, puttputt and other certificates or monthly subscriptions to magazines or creative kits that come in the mail with science, social studies, and stuff to do – like crafts.
Crafts and other “stuff to do” actually get used. I’m seriously STILL trying to get my boys to use gifts they were given last Christmas!!! They are thankful for the gestures, but just seem overwhelmed by “stuff” and would rather have something specific to do. Especially if that something to do was was someone special. They are thankful for presence before presents. We all are
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