“Back to school” excitement is calming down and the weather is cooling down, so students are transitioning easier to fall routines and school schedules. In all our programs this month we’ve been focusing on get-to-know-you activities with our children and adult learners. We learned how to introduce ourselves, researched family trees, made new friends … We talked about communities and caring for people near and far. We learned about empathy and reading feelings through others faces. Emotions and expressions led to lessons on body awareness and using our five-senses.
Students agree that learning through all our senses is more effective than just listening to a teacher lecture. Listening skills are important, but so are conversation skills, observation skills and even using our tasting and smelling skills when we can. Since it was “Johnny Appleseed” week it was easy to adapt smelling and tasting into our lesson plans. We used sensory science while tasting different apples and making applesauce. We read about Johnny Appleseed’s character, which led to discussions on sharing and caring.
Apples also led to discussions on the letter “A” and different apple colors … We went back to the basics this week and talked about the letter A, colors, shapes, etc in many of our children’s programs. We used our senses to work on our basic skills and create art work. We used our senses to talk about the changes in the season and making healthy changes so we grow up healthy. Next week we’ll continue learning about how to stay healthy and safe. We’ll be using “My Amazing Body” curriculum from Mother Goose Time for a few of our students.
Depending on age/stage of our students we have many curriculum options in our different programs. Mi Families (“my families”) LLC facilitates programs for all ages. One of our youth programs, Adventure Academy, has a couple part time spaces open if you’d like your child to join in our learning adventures. Email Christi@MiFamilies.com about enrollment. Feel free to visit www.MiFamilies.com for information on our other programs. Visit www.MotherGooseTime.com to learn more about their curriculum!
*Many images posted showcase MGT supplies and materials*
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