As Memorial weekend approaches the students and weather remind me that summer is near. Students need more fun in the sun and less time sitting for subjects. This doesn’t mean we stop learning and skip the subjects – many subjects are easier taught while exploring the world – not when we’re stuck inside! We’ll work on our Reading, wRiting, and aRithmetic through social studies and scientific discovery. As we finish up our “Bubbles, Boats & Floats” curriculum (from Mother Goose Time) we use math skills measuring and weighing liquids, write with bubbles, read about water animals…
We’ll continue playing with water and use water animals to transition to our next theme of A-Zoo animals! We’ll learn about animals that live in water, animals that live on land, and animals that can do both … even animals that fly! Animals are an exciting topic for students of all ages and can help teach concepts of physical, life and earth science, as well as social studies. From the pets in our homes, to local wildlife, to the animals we’d visit at the zoo or in far off lands – animals are always an easy theme to teach all subject matters.
Although Adventure Academy uses diverse curriculums for the diverse ages, stages and subject focuses of our students – all love the themes we teach through. If you are looking for an easy curriculum for young children I’d recommend Mother Goose Time. All subjects are incorporated into a new theme each month and can be adapted for younger kiddos or expanded for the older students. Right now they are shipping off A-Zoo animals, which is a great review of basic skills taught throughout the school year.
It’s a fact kids fall behind during summer vacation. It’s also a fact you help your child (or kids you work with) learn through simple activities. Reading, doing crafts, playing games … learning can be fun and packages like the A-Zoo kit make it simple. One nice aspect of Mother Goose Time kits is that the boxes are not date determined – meaning you can use any past theme any time. If your child is interested in a different theme – use that. Use whatever a child is interested in to teach them.
Interest doesn’t mean what the child is best at. Interest simply means they are curious and will therefore be engaged in the topic. Using themes help keep students engaged and therefore learning. From animals, to seasonal studies, to topics about space or superheroes or Minecraft… ask kids what they like, then use that to teach! Find books on the subject to read with them, have them write a story about the topic, make up math word-problems with the theme, how can you incorporate that theme into science or social studies?
If you’d like ideas on how to expand a theme contact Also email Christi if you’d like to enroll your child at Adventure Academy next fall! Adventure Academy is an educational child care and tutoring program from MiFamilies, LLC. Mi Families (“my families”) also facilitates programs for parents and providers. More information can be found at If you’d like to network with the Mi Families team find us on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube…
Our social sites are growing resources – here’s the latest video resource showcasing the A-Zoo curriculum. To order visit To follow how we’re enjoying the kit simply subscribe above for our next article. Have topics other than curriculum resources you’d like us to write about in future articles? Let us know topics you’d like to see showcased below in the comments or email Christi. Thanks for reading this article and hope you have (had) a Happy Memorial Day – not that it’s actually supposta be a happy day… but we won’t ramble on about that in this article… at least not today!
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