I can’t believe it’s time to go Back 2 School already! As summer comes to an end I’m starting to get lots of calls for services and program enrollment! There are limited spaces left for tutoring and we’re starting to enroll for programs like “Parent and Me PLAYschool…”
Fall is going to keep Mi Families (“my families”) LLC and my own family busy! So we’re starting to organize our schedules and curriculums. Our “education through recreation” programs have access to some amazing curriculums. One curriculum we utilize is Mother Goose Time.
Mother Goose Time is a pre-packaged program designed for preschool stages which can be simplified for the littlest of learners and expanded on for older students. Older students love expanding on the themes and helping teach their younger peers.
Students and siblings have gathered around fires for storytelling and this week separated stories into fact and fiction, as well as fables, folktales and tall-tales. The tale tales about Paul Bunyan were some of their favorite stories and activities.
As we get closer to school starting we’ll focus on the importance of reading and writing and how to expand stories to learn all subject matters. Mi Families offers curriculums crossing STREAMS (Science, Technology, Reading (&wRiting), Art (&Music), Math, Social Studies (&hiStory).
Our one-on-one, small group, and large group programs provide fun activities for learning across all domains. Feel free to visit www.MiFamilies.com for more program information or email Christi@MiFamilies.com to enroll! Also find us on LinkedIN, Facebook, YouTube, Pinterest…
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