As we finish our SEA studies we’ll continue learning about the difference between salt and fresh waterlife. We’ll also be learning about the importance of keeping water-ways clean and how to conserve water … and electricity… Using Mother Goose Time’s “Ocean Commotion” curriculum makes lesson planning easy with prepackaged lessons, including bonus Earth Day supplies!
Although MGT’s themes are designed for preschoolers – younger friends love to explore the materials introducing them to new concepts – and older students enjoy expanding on the themes for unit studies. Ideas to simplify or build on the lessons are easy to think up or find on sites like Pinterest!
It’s easy to search up ideas on how to extend a theme (such as Ocean or Earth) into all subject matters. Past articles I’ve written about “STREAMS” – Science, Technology, Reading (& wRiting), Engineering, Arts, (Music &) Mathematics, Social Studies (& hiStory)… but many schools still see the three R’s as their focal point: Reading, wRiting and aRithmetic.
I believe in creatively combining all subjects. Example: While READING about the SCIENCE of recycling pop bottles, one can write up SOCIAL STUDIES impact and do MATH on how much they’d earn. You can visit a recycling center to learn about the TECHNOLOGY and ENGINEERING involved…
Thinking of recycling lessons makes me think of another three R’s: Recycle, Reuse, and Reduce. Reduce makes me think of an important C word = Conserve. This week we learned such vocabulary words, discussed examples and made plans to put the lectures into hands on lessons. Such as creating recycled ART sculptures!
While creating sculptures and researching ways to “Save the World” we discussed possible superhero careers that protect the planet. During such discussions I take time to build up students LANGUAGE and LITERACY. As much as Reading and wRiting are important to teach, so is COMMUNICATION (another important C word).
Language skills start before a child is even born, while the baby listens from inside the womb. Language skills grow with the baby into babbling and first words. Speech is an important subject to formally teach as children grow so they are able to articulate thoughts to meet their needs and express themselves.
Speech is an important skill, but so is listening. Listening without waiting to respond. Listening and comprehending information to learn more. As we develop more learning programs – we will be listening to your ideas about what subjects and themes to offer during our summer session.
Mi Families (“my families”) will facilitate “education through recreation” this summer, for families and those who work with families, including provider trainings; parent workshops; family events; and youth services. From homeschool classes, tutoring programs, child care services, caregiver resources, etc – more information on our programs can be found at Also visit for information on the curriculum highlighted for your youngest family members!
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