I thought we were still in the middle of the summer – so I was surprised to get messages asking what fall programs are planned. Then I realized next week is August and fall programs start in just over a month. So I asked some of those in our summer programs what they’d like offered this fall. I got a lot of requests for more “active” learning, more hands-on-messy-learning… so scroll through the pics to see our summer learning and view fall programming options. (Click to see details)

Join us this fall for a 1st – 5th grade kid creation class, a teen time creation class, a teen team gym and games program, elementary gym and games, and an early ed program. We’ll also have a family craft and choir time in December with senior sing-a-long! It’s going to be a great fall semester. This summer we’ve been busy with mini camps and tutor times – and finding time for group adventures and field trips. Did you know that when you sign up for a class you get first invites that semester to private field trips? This summer our spring students got to go to a PitSpitters ballgame for FREE and we a had a lovely private tour of the bug/butterfly house! In the fall we usually do apple picking, pumpkin patches, corn mazes in the dark, holiday parties, the music house at Christmas time … We have such a great group of families and our small group classes really help kids get to know each other and build long lasting friendships. Some of our students have spent the past 7 years learning and growing together! If you would like such an experience for your family, email Christi@MiFamilies.com
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