Mi Families (“my families”) LLC facilitates programs for providers, parents and youth. From teacher trainings to family functions, from child care to tutor times we offer unique services for all ages.
Services are designed with an education through recreation approach, meaning we turn programs and events into fun learning experiences. Learning experiences beyond worksheets and presentations.
Learning through themes help relate lessons to real life experiences. Since our participants are experiencing the transition to winter and winter holidays our lessons have reflected the change in theme.
Animal lessons have transitioned to Arctic Animals to animals that live in warm vs cold climates and south vs north pole terrains. North pole animals led to discussions of Santa’s animals and playing reindeer games.
Everyone was included in our reindeer games and activities. From singing Rudolph to playing our jingle bells and dancing to the Jingle Bell Rock we’ve enjoyed holiday music together. We enjoyed creating tree ornaments and gingerbread houses.
Using our art-smart curriculum learning takes place in creative form. Using open ended materials learning is stage before age focused. As younger children are are introduced to new concepts, older students expand on each topic.
Using counting bears, penguin books, reindeer pictures … students learn more than animal information. Materials provided through theme based curriculums such as Mother Goose Time use such animal activities to teach all subject matters.
From science, to social studies, to reading, writing and math MGT and other curriculums we utilize teach beyond basics. Packages like MGT provide monthly manipulatives to do counting and math story problems with.
Math doesn’t only include learning operations, but also matching, seriation, spatial awareness, measuring, patterns, shapes… Which brings us back to our art-smart approach to learning!
Using shapes, colors, scissors, glue, sensory bins, stuffed animals, puppets, dramatic play, blocks, trucks, nature … Hands on activities excite our students to learn! To learn more about our programs feel free to email Christi@MiFamilies.com.
We’re busy scheduling our winter 2018 programs and have spaces available in our tutoring and child care services. We also have some spots in our teen babysitting classes and homeschool art smart courses.
As we schedule our youth and adult programs feel free to contact Christi with program ideas you’d like offered. Also feel free to share topics you’d like these articles to cover – next week we’ll be covering how to use subjects, like math, in holiday themes!
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