Mi Families facilitates programs for families and those who work with families. Mi Families (“my families”) facilities provider trainings, parent workshops, family events, and various youth services. Youth services include part time child care, homeschool classes, tutoring and developmental assessments.
I’m often asked to provide assessments/resources across all areas of development: social/emotional, large/small motor, creative representation, and all subject matters. STREAMS covers all subjects: Science, Technology, Reading (&wRiting), Engineering, Arts, (Music), Mathematics, Social Studies (&hiStory).
The subject I’m most often referred for is Reading / Writing (or Language / Literacy). When a student is struggling I often find this area goes back to basic language / communication needs. Helping a child find words for their struggles often helps them solve their struggles.
Language struggles can impact one’s articulation, comprehension, reading, writing… which often impacts one’s ability to learn across other subjects. Language struggles often impacts how one relates across learning, play and home environments. But sometimes we don’t see the struggle at home.
Sometimes in comfortable environments, and with the people who provide us the most comfort, one doesn’t struggle as much so we miss red flags. Sometimes in comfort zones one struggles the most, because they feel comfortable to meltdown and release the anxiety about their struggles.
Everyone struggles with something … Wherever one struggles help them find the words to express their frustration. I have helped parents/teachers find solutions for many kids over the past couple decades, including my own kids! Finding solutions for my kids doesn’t mean I’m supermom, it means I found resources.
Feel free to ask me to help you find resources for your infant thru teen. Feel free to ask me to help you find connects and curriculums that help. One fun curriculum I adapt for tots to tweens is Mother Goose Time. Mother Goose Time makes (theme based) lesson planning easy!
We’re currently using MGT to inspire some learning about spring growth and personal growth with their “Growing Gardens” kit. As the spring warms into summer we’ll be growing gardens and growing programs for all ages. Check out www.MiFamilies.com for more information or COMMUNICATE with me – email Christi@MiFamilies.com to sign up for programs or ask about resources…
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