Mi Families (“my families”) facilitates programs for families and those who work with families, through provider trainings, parent workshops, family events and youth services. All programs have an “education through recreation” approach, and all programs have a parent partnership focus.
Parent partnerships are important for student success. Tots thru teens that attend child care or tutor time programs get a portfolio that parents/teachers can use to save work showcasing development. The portfolio is also a communication tool to send daily notes back and forth, regarding child development, behavior, health, scheduling and more.
Daily notes may include information on meals, potty training or milestone celebrations. Notes may include topics such as student strengths and needs, as well as what a child is currently working on. This week students were continuing to work on Mother Goose Time’s, growing gardens, theme and learning about spring growth.
Growth is observed across the continuum using tools such as Mother Goose Time’s observation records. Growth is observed across domains of social/emotional development, large/small motor skills, creative representation and STREAMS subject matters. STREAMS includes Science, Technology, Reading (&wRiting), Engineering, Arts, (Music) Mathematics, Social Studies (hiStory).
Various curriculums are used to support students individual learning styles in one-on-one, small group and large group programs. For more information on curriculum options, such as our unique Adventure Academy curriculum email Christi@MiFamilies.com. Feel free to email or visit www.MiFamilies.com for more information about all of our programs!
Our programs are year round and we are currently enrolling for part time summer care and tutoring through elementary levels. We are also currently taking planning out fall programs and scheduling classes such as Child Development courses for teens, parents and providers. I can’t believe we’re starting to plan out fall when our snow finally melted away last week!
Pictures in this article showcase MGT supplies and a couple Mi Families service sites!
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