Jan-May24’Review w/Summer Preview

Mi Families (“my families”) facilitates programs for families. All sorts of programs! Check out our website to learn more AND click the pics below to see what some of our programs looked like this past spring. From 1on1s to group EDventures our programs include tot thru teen developmental services, preschool-high school classes, field trips, and more! This past semester we had fun in tutoring sessions, life skill challenges, gym & self-defense classes, STEAM studies, outdoor ed … We explored museums, enjoyed performances, met up to skate, sled, bowl… and our teens even met up at dances. Take a look at our fun below and the upcoming “fun in the sun” summer programs attached to end of pics! At the end of our summer programs we’ll have a “not back to school” party and back to the books-swap before starting our 24-25 “school year.” Tomorrow we’ll end our spring programs at the Pit Spitters game!

We always have so much fun together during the school year that we don’t want to stop in the summers! Our summer programs are not just for homeschoolers 🙂 They are for anyone who wants to have fun in da sun with us! Click the pics above for more info on: Mi Mini Camp Monday Mornings (like outdoor ed for 3-8yr olds), Team Time Tuesdays (sport camp afternoons for 7-12&13-18 yr olds), Wilderness Wednesday (hikes for the whole family), Therapeutic Thursdays (& Tutor times), AND Free fun Friday’s for those enrolled in the other programs. At summers end we’ll have our annual not-back2-school party and a school supply swap (August 21st) before starting our fall programs after Labor Day! Those in our 24-25 school year programs will be invited to more field trips and activities such as a graduation party this time next year! Hope you can join us for all the fun. Any questions? Email Christi@MiFamilies.com

Posted in Education, Family, Homeschool, Learning through Play, Mi Families Tagged with: , , , , ,

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