Blog Archives

Jan-May24’Review w/Summer Preview

Mi Families (“my families”) facilitates programs for families. All sorts of programs! Check out our website to learn more AND click the pics below to see what some of our programs looked like this past spring. From 1on1s to group

Posted in Education, Family, Homeschool, Learning through Play, Mi Families Tagged with: , , , , ,


Septembers focus was “me, my family and friends” at Adventure Academy.  We talked about ourselves, those closest to us, discussed extended family members, learned about stranger danger, talked about bullies … We learned how behaviors affect relationships and how emotions influence

Posted in adventure academy, Autism Spectrum, Behaviors, Child Development, Chores/Housekeeping, Curriculums, Education, Family, Homeschool, Language/Literacy, Mi Families, Mother Goose Time, Parents, Providers, Reviews, Safety, Social Skills, Special Needs, Speech Delay, Tutoring, Video Tagged with: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

me & my community

Some of my students are interested “in a galaxy far far away.” The make-believe world of Star Wars is being watched and played out by this next generation and it awesome how much they learn about society and communities from such

Posted in adventure academy, Back2School, Behaviors, Child Development, Curriculums, Education, Family, Homeschool, Language/Literacy, Learning through Play, Meet our Director, Mi Families, Michigan, Mother Goose Time, Our World, Parents, Providers, Reviews, Social Skills, Speech Delay, Tutoring Tagged with: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Making Friends

  I’ve been asked to write about “social stuff.” Most people count “social stuff” as making friends, and at “Adventure Academy” we make friends when we make a mess and make believe together.  Infants to pre-teens play together and learn together in

Posted in adventure academy, Back2School, Child Development, Curriculums, Education, Family, Homeschool, Meet our Director, Mi Families, Michigan, Mother Goose Time, Parents, Providers, Reviews, rules, Social Skills, Special Needs, Speech Delay, Tutoring Tagged with: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

All about ME

Adventure Academy is back in business after my maternity leave.  Old friends joined us last week and we’ll meet new friends this week. We’ll continue learning “all about me,” as well as learn about our friends and families.  Everyone who

Posted in adventure academy, Back2School, Child Development, Curriculums, Education, Family, Homeschool, Learning through Play, Meet our Director, Mi Families, Michigan, Mother Goose Time, Parents, Providers, Reviews, Tutoring Tagged with: , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

My Family

Sorry I haven’t posted in awhile – I have a good excuse though – a new baby has taken up a lot of my time! From bed rest from pregnancy complications to bed rest from delivery complications I haven’t been able

Posted in adventure academy, Back2School, Child Development, Curriculums, Education, Family, Health, Homeschool, Learning through Play, Meet our Director, Mi Families, Mother Goose Time, Parents, Providers, Tutoring Tagged with: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

healthy hearts

Each child is loved for who they are at Adventure Academy.  Each child is valued for their uniqueness and encouraged to share their gifts, talents and creativity with each other.  Each child comes from a different family dynamic, with different

Posted in adventure academy, Child Development, Curriculums, Education, Family, Health, Holidays, Homeschool, Language/Literacy, Learning through Play, Meals, Mi Families, Mother Goose Time, Motor Skills, Parents, Providers, Reviews, Safety, Science, Sensory, Social Skills, Special Needs, Tutoring Tagged with: , , , , , , , , , ,

Sun Fun

“How many days are left of summer vacation?” a child asked another. “As many as it is warm,” was the answer.  “I mean how many days til’ school starts again?” the first continued. “It never ended,” was the reply. The

Posted in adventure academy, Child Development, Curriculums, Education, Family, Health, Meet our Director, Mi Families, Michigan, Mother Goose Time, Parents, Providers, Reviews, Science, Sensory Tagged with: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

thankful hearts

Sometimes it is during the hardest of holidays you are given the best of gifts. These gifts are rarely physical things wrapped up in a package, but sometimes they are. Sometimes it’s a treasure passed down generations, sometimes it’s an

Posted in Child Development, Curriculums, Education, Family, Health, Holidays, Homeschool, Little Lincoln, Meet our Director, Mi Families, Parents, Prometheus Motion Pictures, Providers, Reviews, SIDS, Special Needs, Sutton's Bay Virtual, Video Tagged with: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Summer isn’t over

Recent survey shows that about ¼ of the families out there haven’t taken a “vacation” this summer.  But there is still time…summer isn’t over yet! You don’t need much time, or money, or even travel plans.  You can enjoy a

Posted in Back2School, Education, Family, Homeschool, Language/Literacy, Meet our Director, Mi Families, Michigan, Our World, Parents, Providers Tagged with: , , , , , , , , ,