Because of holidays and germs we had a very short week at Adventure Academy – so instead of sharing the lil’ we did I thought I’d share a lil’ about what we’re going to do!
This video is a glimps of the Mother Goose Time curriculum. I say glimps b/c I was having technical issues and it kept cutting off my video taping attempts, but I hope it shows you how easy their kit is to use. This video is part 1. I’ll make a part 2 to show useage a later date.. Mother Goose Time is just one of the curriculums Adventure Academy uses for our infant through elementary age students use. Although it’s intended for preschool students it’s easily adapted for younger students when simplified to learn basic concepts. Our middle kids use as intended and older learners expand on each subject matter.
Learning ABC’s, 123’s, STEM, arts and other subject matters is easy with the MGT kits contents. Each bag has a days worth of activities which may include crafts, games, recipes, stories, etc… You can use each bag as intended for easy lesson planning or use pieces of lessons as you desire. For specific lessons and subjects with tutor time students I may mix up our MGT theme with specific curriculums like “All about Reading” or Math U See, Right Start Math or Spelling U See, Handwriting w/o tears or another top rated curriculum.
Curriculum choice and individual lesson planning is determined by evaluating how the child learns best and what the child is interested in learning about. Focusing on interests and strengths gains quicker and longer lasting results then a focus on delays and needs. When a child builds confidence in areas of aptitude – (s)he is more eager to try new things and learn about new topics and face areas of struggle. I’m not saying ignore struggles and needs, early intervention is the key to success, but let the child see your focus on where they already excel!
It’s a new year and many are making resolutions to be “better” this year at something. Make your child feel they are already awesome at something – at many things. Make them feel ready to conquer the new year with their talents and encourage them to share their strengths and teach others. One of the benefits to Adventure Academy is the multi-age and stage classroom. Focus is not placed on what what one should do by a certain age, but on forward progression through developmental domains.
Adventure Academy offers developmental assessments and referrals for our child care and tutor time students as well as community families looking for resources. Adventure Academy is just one of Mi Families programs. Mi Families (“my families”) LLC has programs for families and those who work with families across Michigan, although our head quarters is simply a home in Northern Michigan. Our headquarters is run by parents and providers. I’m the director, a provider and parent and as a parent my main job is educating and encouraging my own family.
Years ago Mi Families became my New Years resolution after those I worked with talked about the needs of families in our area … I realized most of those needs could be met by simply networking with other parents and providers as everyone has something to share with another and help them out. Everyone has something they are good at that they can share. Everyone has a need and there’s no reason we shouldn’t ask for help gaining resources or reaching our resolutions. My resolution is to always ask for help meeting my own needs and offer help to others.
I also resolve to continue learning… I just finished one session of classes getting strait A’s in “Human behavior and temperament traits; 8 intelligences and learning styles; observing and recording children’s development; and assessing developmental delays and disabilities.” We’re never too old to learn new things! AND every child should feel they are smart enough to learn about anything the are curious about! Ask a child today what they want to be when they grow up. How can you encourage that interest today and empower them to learn more about the subject all year round?
It’s ok if their interests and hobbies change… Mi Families realizes that the needs of parents and providers change often so our programs reflect that. Check back to our website often to see what programs we are offering each session. Right now we are scheduling events and enrolling children in our Adventure Academy program for SPRING 2017!!!!! Our winter information has been updated at If you have any questions please feel free to email If you’d like to network with some of our members find us on Facebook, Pinterest, LinkedIn, YouTube…
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