A is for Autumn

It’s still pretty warm some days tricking us to think we still have time to swim, but as kiddo’s climbed outta the great lake shivering this week it forced us parents to realize that summer weather is ending quickly.  As we hiked around an apple orchard and noticed leaves beginning to change/fall we had to admit we are “falling into fall” all across Michigan.


(visit an apple orchard this fall with your family)

Back to school season is in the air and kids are talking about all the new things they are going to learn/do this year.  Mi Families small and large group programs have been exploring ideas of things to learn and do this fall.  Kids recommended we start from the beginning… so that’s what we are doing! Re-starting from the beginning… talking about how/where the world started (especially where apple trees came from!), discovering the changes of seasons from beginning to end (and eating apples & other seasonal yummy’s!) … learning how to use our brain in a new way – restarting with the #1 and the letter A…


(lincoln logs & apple tree building)

A is for ALL things AMAZING about AUTUMN.  How do you make all things amazing and learning fun this fall? It’s easy to get tired with the sunlight and cold with the winds.  We want to curl up with a blanket and watch movies and eat treats and prepare to hibernate for the winter… but we would miss out on a world of ADVENTURE if we did that, so we’re finding ways to wake up the body and brain this season, starting with the letter A-day:


(use different tools to build letter = ex: apple felt pieces in picture)


(letter building with felt pieces, sticks, blocks, toys… don’t always stick to pencil and paper to teach)

BREAKFAST: Alphabet Cereal (in ALMOND MILK) with warm apple cider

Language/Literacy: Letter A sounds & activities

History/Social studies: “Johnny Appleseed”    

LUNCH: Alphabet soup and Ants on a log with Almond milk  

Art: Apple & Acorn prints/paintings

Math: Apple cut fractions, seed counting…                    

SNACK: Animal Crackers and dried Apricots (w/water)

Science: Animal activities (Alligator, Armadillo, Ants & Anteaters…)

Nature/Discovery: Autumn awareness hike       

DINNER: Albacore tune sandwich – toasted w/ melted American cheese on it and Antipasto salad with Almond milk

Chores: Clean up ALL things

Forced Family Fun time: watch the “Apple dumpling gang” or Aladdin or another A-list family feature    

DESSERT: Angel food cake and cooked Apples (w/ water)


(or carmel apples and apple slushies)


(or apple pie and apple punch)

What other A is for Autumn ideas can you think up? Share your ideas with us below or on our FACEBOOK link! And make sure you subscribe (to the up on the right side) for more tips/tools to be sent your way…

Posted in Back2School, Curriculums, Education, Family, Homeschool, Language/Literacy, Learning through Play, Math, Mi Families, Michigan, Organization, Parents, Providers Tagged with: , , ,

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