Fall is flying by. October is over and with it the Halloween hustle for candy. Many homes still report an abundance of candy and parents debate letting kids eat at their own will or distributing it slowly or trashing it or donating it … Most parent’s know they don’t want too much candy in the house – maybe because they fear they’ll be the one to finish it off! Most kids know it’s not the healthiest treat to choose – but some argue fruit flavored candy isn’t as bad!
The kids at Adventure Academy started off the week talking about their Halloween candy vs last weeks lesson about the farmer’s harvest. We talked about the food groups and what foods help us grow healthy and strong. We learned about the farmer selling his fruits and veggies, his milk and eggs, the meat from animals… We learned how food goes from the farm to the store to the table and through our bodies.
We talked about the jobs of bakers and chefs and explored the tools in the kitchen. Although the bakers job is quite fun, he/she may not be a professional focused on keeping us healthy. We talked about dentists and doctors and ways they help keep us healthy. We talked about what helps us grow healthy and strong, besides the foods we choose to eat.
At Adventure Academy we spend a lot of time on adventures – on field trips, indoors and outside. Adventures help us grow healthy and strong and smart! When on adventures kids often play pretend adding to their knowledge of different roles. Farm adventures led to roles of the farmer and animals., Halloween adventures led to roles of superheroes and princesses…
This month we’re starting adventures in occupations. This week we learned about roles of those who work in stores and restaurants and doctor and dentist offices and how these people can help us stay healthy. Playing out the roles extended our knowledge of health and safety, it built on our social skills, it helped us work on our language skills.
Last month we talked a great deal about language – from sounds to sentences to reading to writing. Talking about occupations will continue to encourage our language and literacy development. With the help of Mother Goose Time’s Community Helper curriculum we’ll read, make crafts, do activities and play pretend while learning about different jobs.
Because our program is a multi age learning atmosphere little ones will explore materials based on a theme while middle students learn to identify different jobs, and older students research possible future careers. The focus on careers is not to encourage money makers but to encourage ones use of their interest, strengths and talents.
EVERY student, every child, every person has talents to share with the world. Every person has areas they struggle. Adventure Academy is a stage before age focused program where we learn and grow at our own speeds and in our own directions. We are now accepting enrollment for 2017 if you know a child near Kingsley, Mi who’d like to join in our Adventures.
Adventure Academy is one of the programs Mi Families (“my families”) LLC offers for families and those who work with families. Check out WWW.MiFamilies.com for more information on our parent and provider programs. Check out our social media sites to network and gain resources through LinkedIn, Facebook. Pinterest, YouTube…
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