Mi Families (“my families”) LLC facilitates programs for families, and those who work with families. All of our programs focus on “education through recreation,” meaning all of our programs teach through fun activities. During a past training a teacher commented that she loved coming to our workshops, because they helped her think of non-traditional ways to teach. At some point someone thought the best way to teach was to have students sit and listen, but research tells us “we don’t learn best at a desk.” As Ben Franklin once said “tell me and I forget, teach me and I remember, involve me and I learn.”
“Involve me and I learn,” is the key to our education through recreation programs. From teaching teachers to educating small children – involve them in the learning process, the planning process… Interact and observe to discover what they are learning and how they learn best. Each student has their own unique style of learning, their own interests, talents, goals and needs. Adventure Academy considers each unique student when lesson planning. Adventure Academy is our program designed for the youngest of Mi Families members. Adventure Academy provides childcare for tots to teens, infant – preschool developmental assistance and elementary level tutoring service.
The main goal of Adventure Academy is to teach students to love learning. Students love exploring different subjects through different curriculums. One curriculum all our students enjoy is Mother Goose Time. This theme based package is designed for preschoolers, but older students love using the topics for ideas on subjects to research further. Our youngest learners use to simply be exposed to the new topics, but this month even the baby is joining in the spring theme and learning about birds. From feeding the birds migrating back to Michigan, to providing nesting materials for birds to lay eggs in – all ages and stages will be involved in learning the experiences.
Experience Baby is the a new curriculum offered through Mother Goose Time that goes with each monthly theme. Experiencing learning through hands on fun is easy with Mother Goose Time’s monthly kits. Adventure Academy looks for such hands on fun when choosing curriculums and activities. Our spring semester is full, but if you know a child looking for hands on fun this summer we’re starting to enroll for our camp and tutoring sessions. CLICK SUMMER SCHOOL for more information about this program. Visit www.MiFamilies.com to learn more about our other programs. Find us on social media sites to network with us or email Christi@MiFamilies.com with any questions!
Many of the pics used in this article showcase MGT supplies. Here’s an unboxing of this months kit. Sorry It cuts off early – I had a child helping me make the video 😉
To learn more about MGT or order a kit visit www.MotherGooseTime.com
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