Some of our ADVENTURES this week:
The last couple weeks have been LOUD at Adventure Academy. Transportation theme lessons have led to a center filled with kids honking and beeping. Not always music to my ears, but the sounds of happy children is! Luckily there are many transportation songs that sound nicer then the sounds cars, trains, planes and boats make. From “Wheels on the Bus” to “row-row-row-your-boat” we’ve been singing and dancing the time away. The movement activities this month have provided many teachable moments about health and safety. All movement is good for your health BUT all movements can be dangerous, if your not watching where your going or who is next to you! Transportation lessons have led to safety discussions of the importance of helmets and seatbelts and also to teachable moments like “no you can’t fly” to “it’s too cold for a boat ride today.”
The weather changed quickly from warm fall days of raking leaves to freezing days of shoveling snow. The seasonal tools meant being careful moving with rakes and shovels in our hands! The new season doesn’t mean we stay indoors, our bodies need the fresh air, but the cold air means we need to think of ways to stay healthy and safe in the snow. The snow also provided lessons on how do we travel in the winter. Our Mother Goose Time “On the Go” kit discussed many forms of transportation, but we needed to get outside and explore with snow travel. We explored air travel outdoors as well, but had to do our water travel fun inside since our water table was iced over!
By land, air or water we discovered ways to travel for one, a couple or many people through public transportation. I miss the past adventures of traveling in cities sometimes, but I must admit that living on a road with farms is very peaceful. We often watch tractors or horses go up and down the road, instead of taxis. Most children at Adventure Academy have never seen a subway so they loved making the sub on the rope railway craft. They loved all the crafts and games and activities during the transportation month. Some of our students are moving away and others are just starting our program, so this has been a great theme to discuss transitions and changes. As our group of students change, as the seasons change and as lessons change we transition using travel as an example of where we’re headed next.
Next we head “over the river and through the woods” as many travel for their their Thanksgiving break adventures. Then we’ll head into “The sights and sounds of winter” as we prepare for the Christmas season. The past month of transportation activities have provide an introduction to using our senses of sound to identify modes of travel. Wonder what we’ll be listening to next month … the silence of snowflakes? From sounds to our other senses we’ll be exploring the changing of the season and invite more friends to join us on the adventure. We have no more full time spaces available but we do have some day, evening and weekend options for child care and tutoring services. Contact if you have any questions about Adventure Academy or other programs Mi Families facilitates, for parents and providers. Feel free to network with other parents and providers on our Facebook , Twitter, Linked In, YouTube, or Pinterest sites and feel free to subscribe above for updates on what we’re up to! Thanks for reading this one 🙂
Pictures showcasing MGT “On the Go” supplies – CLICK HERE TO ORDER Mother Goose Time
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