FUNctional FAMilies

After committing to resolutions discussed in the past few articles many families are reporting their homes are happier and healthier! We love hearing about such success stories so feel free to share yours below.  Share your ideas to becoming a fun-fam and working towards a healthy / happy home with us!


(printable reminder)


(8×10 schedule)


printable challenge worksheet

In our house we make a conscious effort to find time for family fun and incorporate the resolution challenges during those times (Resolution #1 to make flexible SCHEDULES).  Since my husband is a film-maker my boys have become interested in filming (Resolution #2 to LIKE LEARNING) and wanted to make one of those times about filming “making a healthy snack” together (Resolution #3 to eat your FAVORITE FOODS).  Here is a link to their first attempt at film making – planned completely by a 6&7 yr old (unfortunately it cuts off the ending but they assure you that the product tastes great!)


(8×10 printable recipe for kids)

Often our family fun times incorporate active activities (Resolution #4 to ENJOY EXERCISE).  No matter what weather (except when it’s below zero!) we play outside.  If we can’t get outside (this winter had some frigid days!) we move and grove indoors.  We dance to music, we try out a you-tube exercise video, or we play in our “MOTOR-VATION STATION” ~ a space set up in the basement.

indoor gym

(the start of our MOTOR-vation-station)


printable challenge reminder

In our house we play with each other while encouraging going and growing activities.  Seasons and holidays always offer many ideas for family activities.  Spring time and Easter offer great opportunities to start planning outdoor family fun! Whether indoors or outside ~ Play is fun. Play is important (Resolution #5 to be the PARENT (or provider) who PLAYS). Not every part of our day is play ~ I mean we do sleep! We eat and we even do chores ~ but my kids LIKE chore time. FOR REAL! Why? Because, we make chores fun and rewarding.  Our house is not as fancy as the castle in my head believes it can be (I can dream and work towards that…), but we are teaching our boys to take pride in their hard work and the efforts it takes to make or buy those “fancy things.”  We don’t just simply assign chores – we ATTEMPT to teach skills of  organization, housekeeping and budgeting.  For information on those topics simply click on the highlighted words and it’ll take you to the Mi Families Pinterest board filled with tips and tools (all highlighted words are links to resources).  Click “follow” for pin updates.  Click “subscribe” towards the top right of this page for article updates geared towards families and those working with families. Also, like I said at the beginning, feel free to comment below with your fun-fam ideas and/or ideas/topics you’d like us to cover in future articles! THANKS

Posted in Chores/Housekeeping, Family, Health, Holidays, Meals, Mi Families, Michigan, Motor Skills, Organization, Parents, Providers, Video Tagged with: , , , , , , ,

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