Some of my students are interested “in a galaxy far far away.” The make-believe world of Star Wars is being watched and played out by this next generation and it awesome how much they learn about society and communities from such…
Some of my students are interested “in a galaxy far far away.” The make-believe world of Star Wars is being watched and played out by this next generation and it awesome how much they learn about society and communities from such…
Adventure Academy is back in business after my maternity leave. Old friends joined us last week and we’ll meet new friends this week. We’ll continue learning “all about me,” as well as learn about our friends and families. Everyone who…
Mother Goose Time suggests topics for their blog ambassadors (like myself) to discuss. This month we’ve been sharing thoughts on “Individualizing Instruction” regarding our students interests, developmental levels, learning styles and “adapting for inclusion.” During a discussion on inclusion I was surprised how many…
While facilitating provider trainings at centers and schools I’m often told how “individualized” their program is. Yet during observations I feel that many teachers and caregivers are individualizing their classrooms for their own needs and goals. Often their own instruction…
“I’m getting so big” was the response almost every child had after checking their height and weight this week during our Going = Growing HEALTH WEEK. Using the Mother Goose Time curriculum for “Food and Fitness” we explored topics like…
Some songs get stuck in your head and some stories your children want read over and over and over … and although it’s annoying you – it’s linking language for them. Books and music are the number one links to…
“I know our fun in the sun ends with back to school,” was the answer a child gave to “what is Labor Day”. Labor day is the holiday to honor the labor / union movements. It’s a day to celebrate…
How many of you are still holding strong to your 2015 resolutions? As mentioned in the last article most plans fail within the first month. That fact gets many down, so many have already given up, BUT if we’d only realize…
How is your 2015 starting off? Holding true to those resolutions? Statistically the highest percent of resolutions are health based, but almost 90 percent of those goals will fail ~ many by the end of the first month of making…
After committing to resolutions discussed in the past few articles many families are reporting their homes are happier and healthier! We love hearing about such success stories so feel free to share yours below. Share your ideas to becoming a…