Last month we focused on our friends and families and how we impact them and how they influence us. Although we talked about others – it was a pretty egocentric focus re-titled as “All about ME.” However the me focus…
As summer’s official start date get’s closer – so does my maternity leave! As the director of Adventure Academy I planned to have a year round program, but this surprise baby changed up this years schedule! Luckily she’s arriving during a convenient…
We’re using our senses to find signs of spring around Adventure Academy. The last of the snow piles have melted and April showers will soon bring May flowers. We’ll smell the flowers that bloom, listen to the songs of…
Each and every child at Adventure Academy is an important piece to our puzzle. A puzzle is something that “tests ingenuity or knowledge” and we gain more knowledge – together! When a child misses a session we miss them! We still have…
Most of our local school districts are on Spring Break this week, which means many parents are starting to plan summer break! I’ve been getting lots of requests for summer care and tutoring services, but due to our baby girl’s…
Mother Goose Time suggests topics for their blog ambassadors (like myself) to discuss. This month we’ve been sharing thoughts on “Individualizing Instruction” regarding our students interests, developmental levels, learning styles and “adapting for inclusion.” During a discussion on inclusion I was surprised how many…